Life Wheel GPS + Priority Tracker
Accelerate your productivity with ruthless prioritization.
Google Doc
15-30 minutes every three months (seriously)
Everyone (Spouses and team members, too. Can also be adapted as a family exercise)
“The unexamined life is not worth living.”
“Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise.”
“Without proper self-evaluation, failure is inevitable.”
Life Wheel Assessments are widely used among life coaches as a tool to help folks stop spinning their wheels and gain some much-needed perspective.
We've put our own spin on the standard wheel, to help you focus on what’s important, what’s been neglected, and what you can do now to take action. Because life isn’t always about how well you perform. It’s about how well you prioritize—and how well you decide, behave, and take action on those priorities.
When life starts to feel overwhelming or too chaotic, it’s the universe’s way of telling you that it is time to take a step (way) back to get a clearer picture of what’s really going on. If you’ve gotten that signal, you’re in the right place.
The TLP Life Wheel won’t just help you get priorities straight but also be ruthless about keeping them.
What it does
The Life Wheel GPS (get it for free here) helps you visualize all of the essential areas that make up a fulfilling life in one glance. Simple yet powerful, you’ll quickly be able to discover areas of importance and imbalance based on what you want to personally achieve in your life.
The perfect prep for your Reflect Back Look Forward, you’ll rank and evaluate 10 essential components of life:
*Note that work/business is just one small aspect of what goes into making a full and happy life!
From there you’ll go on to identify what matters most right now, understanding the ebb and flow of priorities as life happens. In the process, you’ll give yourself permission to deprioritize some tasks on your “to-do” list, while increasing productivity on those that will make the biggest impact.
How to put the TLP Life Wheel GPS to work
Rate yourself. At the start of every quarter, set aside a few minutes to consider where you stand on each of the key 10 categories. Be honest with yourself and don’t overthink it! Complete your scoring based on your initial gut reactions—trying to justify your rating will only hinder the process.
Rank importance. Once you’ve finished your scoring, it’s time to rank each category in order of importance to you. Remember that this is personal and unique to each individual and that it is based on how you are feeling right now. Next quarter you might feel differently (or not)—and that is ok.
Evaluate your scores. Now is the time to dig a little deeper to get to the “why” behind your ratings. Try to think of examples or feelings that might have influenced your decisions and write them down.
Make room for improvement. We always strive to do our best, but it’s perfectly normal to make mistakes or fall behind sometimes. Think about what might help you do things better or more efficiently in the future.
Pick 3. Now that you can clearly see what areas you’d like to work on and why—specify three goals (and only three!) to focus on for the next 90 days. Don’t worry if you think you’ll need more time—just focus on what you can do now—you will have a chance to reevaluate again at the start of next quarter.
Why Cohort Members love it
“The Life Wheel forces you to check in with yourself.”
The Life Wheel helps you take a hard look at where you stand on the essential aspects of what make up a happy life. The straightforward approach gets you thinking about things you might otherwise take for granted or just assume are going ok.“I have my priorities at a glance.”
Honing in on what matters most to you each quarter allows you to see how things shift over the course of a year and adapt your strategies accordingly.“It never fails to inspire me to take immediate action.”
Focusing on just three goals each quarter helps take some of the pressure off of trying to take on too much all at once and reassures you that you’re always focused on what is truly important.