let’s talk

If you are intrigued and think you qualify for my Cohort and coaching, it's time to get transparent. If I'm going to help you get to the next level, tell me your nitty gritty below.

This starts a process to determine if one and only peer group is a match for you and me. I’d say I have hundreds of conversations (yes, it’s you and men, no one else) each year to assemble this single group that kicks off each January. (See below for more details)

Remember, you can tap out of this recruitment process at any time.

once you hit send…

I start my process by reviewing what you share with me. If I like what I read, I will set up an initial video call of about 20mins. Either way, you will hear from me.

Before that first call, I’ll send you some preliminary information for you to carefully consider. 

If our initial call goes well and we both are interested in the “next step,” we’ll set a date for an approximate two-hour, in-depth, deep dive and authentically real deal video coaching session. To prepare, I’ll send you two documents that’ll require a bunch of time, energy, and effort. You will need to return these to me a minimum of 72 hours before we meet. I may not charge a farthing for this session but don’t let that fool you into thinking it’ll be a bunch of sleight of hand, hocus pocus pseudo-coaching packaged up to hide a sales call. You deserve better than that. So do I.

During this in-depth coaching session, I’ll have these objectives:

  1. We invest time on the issue(s) most meaningful to you such that if we can find the appropriate accelerators (including relevant resources and tools I may share with you) during our time together, you’d leave the session significantly better off. 

  2. You experience coaching (what coaching is) and you experience me (how I roll as a human and a coach)

  3. You are better able to decide if coaching is for you (right now, in the future, or never) and if I am the coach for you (right now, in the future, or never).

  4. If you know that coaching now is not for you, we’ll part as friends. If you know I am not the coach for you, I’ll refer you to other coaches). If all lights are green for both of us and it’s “Go Time” for coaching with me, we will get the ball rolling right away.

  5. You don’t trust people like me and I don't invite just anyone into my Cohort. In our coaching session, I expect you’ll be checking me and my coaching out and that’s one of its purposes. At the same time, I’ll be assessing if you’re “coachable” and that’s its other purpose.

If our in-depth coaching session meets both of our expectations and you still have interest, I will invite you into a third video call to discuss the details of the Cohort and my coaching. More importantly, I will answer all your questions… which I expect you to have many. At the end of this session, my expectation is we both know if you are “in” or “out.”

Mine is a detailed vetting process. I am willing to make this investment of time, energy, and effort because to me coaching is a sacred, fiduciary, and stewardship duty that is the culmination of my seventy years on the planet. It is the mission I leap out of bed to pursue every day as I journey toward the pasture and eventually, my last breath. This proven vetting process uncovers the breakout badasses that deliver results that rock their world, bring me joy, and complete my legacy.   

I don’t believe in chance coincidences. I believe in inspired collisions. I look forward to discovering why you and I collided. 

I am energized to meet you very soon and I thank you for the privilege.
