The Surefire Way to Work Fewer Hours Each Week

Free time is available to all of us—if we take it.

At a time when small business owners are begging for more hours in their week, I’m going to challenge you to do the opposite. There will ALWAYS be reasons to work more and to cut into dinners and date nights and workouts and sleep. 

And those reasons aren’t great.

If you want to work fewer hours each week, you simply have to decide to work fewer hours—and create a business and a work product that conforms to that (and not the other way around). 

“How can we do that?” you cry, “There isn’t enough time as it is!”

Of course, there is. There is always enough time. If you want more time for your family, your marriage, your health, and your rest, something has to give.

So let it give. 

I’ve got more tips on how to do this in my next email, but for now, I simply want you to take a moment to picture your perfect week. Let your imagination go a little wild here. 

  • What time would you love to wake up in the morning?

  • What would you do in that first hour?

  • How long is your ideal workday? What kind of work are you doing during that time?

  • How long is your average workweek?

  • How would you spend your weekends? Who are you spending them with? What activities are you doing? 

  • How do you relax? How do you propel yourself?

  • How does it feel to be you in this vision? What do you see? What do you look like?

If you struggle here, treat this as a brainstorming exercise and answer the questions like this:

Wouldn’t it be great if…

...I could wake up at [THIS TIME] every morning and spend some uninterrupted time on myself?

...I only worked [ENTER HOURS] hours every day doing only the things I love to do?

...took a three-day weekend...every weekend?

...I [DID THESE THINGS] with [THESE PEOPLE] on the weekends?

...I always, always had time for the ones I loved—and could be ready for anything that came my way?

Picture your ideal week clearly. Capture it in writing and keep it somewhere handy. Then ask yourself this one question: What would have to happen to make this happen?

I promise you that you have all the time in the world to build a life you love, the business you want, and the reflection you deserve in the mirror. Sometimes we just have to “see” it to believe it. And believing is the first step to making it happen.

So make it happen.

For more DIY resources, check out our Courses of Action tools and membership for an accelerated approach to wildly efficient and proficient productivity—and breathtaking results in business, life, and self.


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